sábado, 9 de outubro de 2010


Neste mês das Bibliotecas Escolares,
a nossa homenagem vai para o professor da Colombia
- Luis Humberto Soriano -
criador de - BIBLIOBURRO.

É o nosso herói!...

Luis Soriano tem sua história no livro de Jeanette Winter " BIBLIOBURRO: A true Story from Colombia".

" Luis loves to read, but soon his house in Colombia is so full of books there´s barely room for the family. What to do? Then he comes up with perfect solution - a traveling library! He buys two donkeys - Alfa and Beto - and travels with them throughout the land, bringing books and reading to the children in faraway villages. Beautiful!..."

Autor: Jeanette Winter
Edição: Simon & Shuster Children´s Plublishing

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